Friday, February 29, 2008

the cats out of the bag

well willie let the cat out of the bag, our church came to interview us on camera and willie let it out that were getting another child. So i made him tell all the kids Everyone was so excited in the house, all our helpers were dancing around, a real shocker for me. our adult children took it fairly well, i think they have given up on us and realize were in this for the rest of our lives. His name will be Ezekiel Miguel , he is a little person and is on a ventilator. I am a little nervous about the work load another child on a vent will be but i know we will look back and see why he came into our lives

Saturday, February 16, 2008

johnny cash

i really never liked johnny cash but he came to our house last night, or should i say his impersonator, i think. sang with the kids they loved it !

Thursday, February 7, 2008


today my neighbor and friend lost her adopted special needs little girl, she was 7, some people would say her life had no value, she could not talk, walk or even move, she loved her videos she gave smiles to those she liked. there will be a void for those who knew her.

Monday, February 4, 2008